Publications are listed chronologically, most recent articles first.

Villarreal, L. Y.B., Sandri, T. L., Souza, S. P., Richtzenhain, L. J., de Wit, J. J. & Brandao, P. E. (2010).
Molecular epidemiology of avian infectious bronchitis in Brazil from 2007 to 2008 in breeders, broilers, and layers.
Avian Diseases, 54, 894–898.
Wit, J. J. (Sjaak) de, Cook, J.K.A., van der Heijden, H.M.J.F. (2010).
Infectious Bronchitis Virus in Asia, Africa, Australia and Latin America – History, Current Situation and Control Measures.
In: Workshop: Infectious Bronchitis (IB) in the Brazilian Poultry Industry.
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, 12, 97–106.
Anon. (2009).
Proceedings of VI International Symposium on avian corona – and pneumoviruses and complicating pathogens, Rauischholzhausen, Germany. E.F. Kaleta & U.Heffels-Redmann, (Eds).
Liu S, Zhang X, Wang Y, Li C, Han Z, Shao Y, Li H & Kong X. (2009).
Molecular characterization and pathogenicity of infectious bronchitis coronaviruses: complicated evolution and epidemiology in china caused by cocirculation of multiple types of infectious bronchitis coronaviruses
Intervirology, 52, 223-234.
Calogero Terregino; Anna Toffan; Maria Serena Beato; Roberta De Nardi; Marta Vascellari; Amelio Meini; Giovanni Ortali; Marzia Mancin & Ilaria Capua (2008)
Pathogenicity of a QX strain of infectious bronchitis virus in specific pathogen free and commercial broiler chickens, and evaluation of protection induced by a vaccination programme based on the Ma5 and 4/91 serotypes
Avian Pathology, Volume 37, Issue 5 October 2008 , pages 487 – 493.
Shimazaki Y, Horiuchi T, Harada M, Tanimura C, Seki Y, Kuroda Y, Yagyu K, Nakamura S & Suzuki S. (2008).
Isolation of 4/91 type of infectious bronchitis virus as a new variant in Japan and efficacy of vaccination against 4/91 type field isolate
Avian Diseases, 52, 618–622.
Worthington, K.J., Currie, R.J.W. & Jones, R.C. (2008).
A reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction survey of infectious bronchitis virus genotypes in Western Europe from 2002 to 2006.
Avian Pathology, 37, 274–257.
Bochkov YA, Tosi G, Massi P & Drygin VV. (2006).
Phylogenetic analysis of partial S1 and N gene sequences of infectious bronchitis virus isolates from Italy revealed genetic diversity and recombination.
Virus Genes, Volume 35, Number 1, August 2007, pp. 65–71(7).
Dolz, R., Pujois, J., Ordónnez, G., Porta, R. & Majó, N. (2006).
Antigenic and molecular characterisation of isolates of the Italian 02 infectious bronchitis virus genotype.
Avian Pathology, 35, 77–85.
Tarpey I, Orbell SJ, Britton P, Casais R, Hodgson T, Lin F, Hogan E & Cavanagh D. (2006).
Safety and efficacy of an infectious bronchitis virus used for chicken embryo vaccination.
Vaccine. 2006 Nov 17;24(47–48), 6830–8.
Beato MS, De Battisti C, Terregino C, Drago A, Capua I & Ortali G. (2005).
Evidence of circulation of a Chinese strain of infectious bronchitis virus (QXIBV) in Italy.
The Veterinary Record 156, 720 (2005).
Cavanagh, D. (2005).
Coronaviruses of poultry and other birds.
Avian Pathology, 34, 439–448.
Jackwood MW, Hilt DA, Lee CW, Kwon HM, Callison SA, Moore KM, Moscoso H, Sellers H & Thayer S. (2005).
Data from 11 years of molecular typing infectious bronchitis virus field isolates.
Avian Diseases, 49, 614–618.
Bijlenga, G., Cook, J. K. A., Gelb, J. Jr. & de Wit, J. J. (2004)
Development and use of the H strain of avian infectious bronchitis virus from the Netherlands as a vaccine: a review
Avian Pathology, 33, 550–557
Cavanagh, D. & Gelb, J. (2008).
Infectious bronchitis.
In: Saif, Y. M., Fadly, A. M., Glisson, J. R., McDougald, L. R., Nolan, L.K. & Swayne, D. E. eds. Diseases of Poultry, 12th edition. Ames, IA, Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa. Pp 117–135.
Seyfi Abad Shapouri, M.R., Mayahi, M., Assasi, K. & Charkhakar, S. (2003)
A survey of the prevalence of infectious bronchitis virus type 4/91 in Iran
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 52, 163 – 166.
Callison S.A, Jackwood M.W & Hilt D.A (2001)
Molecular characterization of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Isolates Foreign to the United States and Comparison with United States Isolates
Avian Diseases 45, 492–499.
Cook J.K.A., Chester J., Baxendale W., Greenwood N., Huggins M.B. & Orbell S.J. (2001)
Protection of chickens against renal damage caused by a nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis virus
Avian Pathology 30, 423–425.
Cook J.K.A., Huggins M.B., Orbell S.J., Mawditt K. & Cavanagh D. (2001)
Infectious bronchitis virus vaccine interferes with the replication of avian pneumovirus vaccine in domestic fowl
Avian Pathology 30, 233–242.
Wit, J.J. de. (2000)
Technical Review. Detection of infectious bronchitis virus
Avian Pathology, 29, 71–93.
Cook J.K.A., Orbell S.J., Woods M. and Huggins M. (1999)
Breadth of protection of the respiratory tract provided by different live–attenuated infectious bronchitis vaccines against challenge with infectious bronchitis viruses of heterologous serotypes
Avian Pathology 28, 477–485.
Cavanagh, D., Mawditt, K., Shaw,K., Britton, P. & Naylor, C. (1998)
Towards, the routine application of nucleic acid technology for avian disease diagnosis
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 45, 281–298.
Cargill P. (1998)
Contemporary European infectious bronchitis variants
World Poultry-Elsevier 14, No.2, 52–53.
Cook J., Orbell S. & Malo A. (1998)
Protection provided by live–attenuated infectious bronchitis vaccines against challenge with different IB serotypes
The International Symposium on Infectious Bronchitis and Pneumovirus infections in poultry.
15–18 June, Rauischolzhausen, Germany, 366–370.
Malo A., Orbell S.J., Di Fabio J., Huggins M.B., Woods M.A. & Cook J. (1998)
Cross protection studies after the use of live-attenuated IBV 4/91 and Massachusetts’s vaccine
The Forty–seventh Western Poultry Disease Conference 8–10 March, Sacramento, California, USA.
Cook, J.K.A., Orbell, S.J., Woods M.A. and Higgins M.B. (1996)
A survey of the presence of a new infectious bronchitis virus designated 4/91
Veterinary Record 138, 178–180.
Nakamura K., Narita M., Imai K., Matsumura T., Maeda M. & Tanimura T. (1992)
The effect of mixed live vaccines of Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bronchitis on the chicken respiratory tract
Journal of Comparative Pathology 106, 341–349.
Parsons D., Ellis M.M., Cavanagh D. & Cook J.K.A. (1992)
A “new” strain of infectious bronchitis virus infecting domestic fowl in Great Britain
Veterinary Record 130, 493–494.
Dijck van P.M. (1991)
Combining without concessions. Results with the use of IB+ND vaccine Nobilis® Ma5/Clone 30 in the field in The Netherlands
II. International Symposium on Infectious Bronchitis 3–6 June 1988, Rauischolzhausen, Germany, 221–238.
Brown, A.J., & Bracewell, C.D. (1988)
Effect of repeated infections of chickens with infectious bronchitis viruses on the specificity of their antibody responses
Veterinary Record, 122, 207–208.
Schrier C. & Cornelissen D. (1988)
Possibilities and limitations of combined vaccines
I. International Symposium on Infectious Bronchitis 23–26 June 1988, Rauischolzhausen, Germany, 310–317.
Brown, A.J. & Bracewell, C. D. (1985)
Application of the haemagglutination inhibition test to typing of infectious bronchitis virus
Veterinary Record, 116, 47–48.
Cook, J.K.A., Darbyshire, J.H. & Peters, R.W. (1976)
The use of chicken tracheal organ cultures for the isolation and assay of avian infectious bronchitis virus
Archives of Virology, 50, 109–118.
Johnson R.B. & Marquardt W.W. (1974)
The neutralizing characteristics of strains of Infectious Bronchitis virus as measured by the constant–virus variable–serum method in chicken tracheal cultures
Avian Diseases, 19, 82–90.
Raggi LG & Lee GG. (1963)
Infectious Bronchitis Virus interference with Growth of Newcastle Disease Virus. I. Study of Interference in chicken embryos
Avian Diseases, 7, 106–480.