Infectious Bronchitis in chickens
The Infectious Bronchitis virus (IBV), a Coronavirus, targets not only the respiratory tract but also the uro-genital tract. The virus can spread to different organs throughout the chicken. Infection initially causes respiratory disease in the infected birds and also drops in egg production in layers and breeders. Kidney damage can also occur.
Although morbidity is high, the mortality rate in an infected flock can vary, depending on standards of management and on possible involvement of secondary bacterial infections. Control is best achieved by improved biosecurity and vaccination. The MSD Animal Health range of poultry vaccines, Nobilis®, has live and inactivated vaccines for the vaccination of breeder, layer and broiler chickens.
Convenience Program
An early start on protection for a more profitable business.

Clinical signs
Clinical signs seen in chickens after IB infection.

Read about cross protection between different IB serotypes.
See our latest Webinar and video on IB protectotypes.
IB vaccines
Vaccines to protect chickens against IB infection.

Journal of Poultry Respiratory Protection
News, Trends, Research and Ideas
The Journal of Poultry Respiratory Protection features the latest ideas and practices for keeping layers and broilers free from respiratory illness.

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About the website
The aim of this specialised website is to provide peer reviewed disease information, including current prevalence of different IB serotypes. Vaccination information and IB news items are also available.
This information is freely available to the poultry industry.
Expert Reviewers
Infectious-bronchitis.com is the first peer reviewed website with a specific focus on Infectious Bronchitis.
The site reviewers are Dr. Jane Cook and Dr. Mark Jackwood. Both Dr. Cook and Dr. Jackwood have done extensive research around Infectious Bronchitis.